Email marketing is an indispensable part of the modern marketing repertoire. Every ice cream business that aims for greater revenues and customer engagement should seriously consider taking its marketing efforts to the email platform. Email marketing allows an ice cream business to overcome the limitations of more traditional marketing, such as newspaper ads, social media postings, flyers, etc.

Why does email marketing work for ice cream shops?

Almost everyone these days carries their smartphones on them. They get a push notification every time a new email hits their inbox. People also dedicate more time to their emails.

A study in the US revealed that the average worker spends some 2.5 hours or greater per day on emails, looking through and replying to them. By tapping into this powerful medium of communication, you can make sure that marketing messages do not land on empty ears.

Here are some tips you can try and implement for yourself to take your ice cream shop marketing efforts to the next level and start earning high profits.

1. Send Out Routine Newsletters

Email newsletters can be a powerful marketing strategy. Not only do newsletters inform, but they also work doubly to get the shop’s marketing messages out into the public ear. By keeping the newsletters entertaining and informative, the ice cream business can leverage the viewers’ interest and eagerness to read the latest newsletter.

Sending newsletter regularly can increase ice cream sales

Making it a habit to send out routine newsletters also keeps existing customers reminded of your business. it also let them revive any positive experiences they might have had.

For example, a fortnightly newsletter can feature news on the latest ice cream flavors or the opening of new ice cream shops. You can also add fun facts about ice creams that ice cream lovers will find enticing or you can advertise free samples of new flavors.

2. Inform About In-Store Activities

An ice cream store experience can be more than just ice cream. By giving people a reason to visit your ice cream shop other than merely having some ice cream, you can be sure to keep their interest in your business.

For example, you could send out emails about an exciting weekend program or activity in-store. This could be something like offering different kinds of ice creams for those who bring their children during happy hour. This way, you will not only be attracting new customers but also tap into the potential of the children’s tastes.

If they develop a taste for your delicious ice cream, they’ll prompt their parents to take them back to the ice cream store.

3. Inform About Ongoing Sale and Discounts

Besides bringing them up in the newsletters, you can send out standalone emails. You can inform sweet tooth people about ongoing offers and discounts in your ice cream shop. To keep the emails engaging, it helps you intertwine the marketing message with some informative or entertaining content.

Sale and discount information can help you sell more ice cream using email marketing

For example, a crossword featuring all of your store’s ice cream flavors might be a great way of engaging with them. Likewise, you may develop creative riddles and puzzles to engage your customers without presenting a bland and trivial marketing pitch.

4. Appeal to the Senses

Besides weaving your marketing messages into puzzles and brainteasers, you may also keep your audience engaged by appealing to their senses. After all, we are visual and sensory beings. People respond best when there is a strong visual stimulus to go with your marketing messages.

For example, you can show behind-the-scenes ice cream making at your ice cream shop. By presenting delicious goodness footage, you attract customers and keep existing customers reminded of their experiences enjoying your ice cream.

behind the scene images or video of ice creams while using email marketing

Besides, there is a good chance that the kids or other children might stumble upon these visually appealing messages.  Even it can encourage parents to take them to your ice cream shop.

5. Send Out Coupons and Other Exclusives

Offers and discounts may be applicable to anyone who shows up at the shop. But it’s worthwhile to create exclusive offers for email marketing campaigns. This could be providing email coupons to those who have subscribed to your store’s newsletter or following social media accounts. This creates exclusivity and makes many customers feel privileged.

Humans crave social belonging and status. Tapping into this drive can allow your shop to stand out, creating loyal customers who’ll keep coming to feel special. Sending out email exclusive coupons and offers can make your customers feel like they’re valued for their loyalty.

Final Words

Marketing by email doesn’t have to be complicated. Our guide has touched upon some key aspects with you. You can use them to leverage this medium of communication to get your marketing messages across. All this is sure to help you sculpt an impactful email marketing strategy for your business that’ll help increase sales.

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